Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dedicated to my bro

I thought a lot about what my second entry would be..In fact, till I opened this postings page, I was clueless.. That is when my mental eye focused on a snapshot of how wonderful my life is.. And that got me wondering about all those people who have made it so! This post is dedicated to one such special person, whose worth I ve come to realize in the recent times...

My brother and I share an age gap of 7 long years! He s still a kid (10th std.. man they are so small :D :D ) and will always be one to me! He s the one who makes my entire house laugh.. while I m the responsible one.. (hard to believe.. I know!!!) He brings out the kid in me when he s around.. He constitutes my laughter and happiness in fact :) and the very fact that when I m home, he wont go to sleep without me by his side makes me feel on top of the world :D but on the other side, guys will always be guys :D if he comes to know that i m posting the above on a blog, I will be tortured to slow death ;) ;)

He also likes to think of himself as my elder brother.. which according to him, gives him the power to push my buttons.. And man.. he knows how to!! be it his maths assignment or getting a gaming CD from a nearby store, he knows how to persuade people to get his things done.. that is something I need to learn from him.. He s one of those rare people who get their way around things just by using their mouths.. I envy such people.. I mean, here I am working day and night, finishing all my chores on time just to make a good impression on my parents.. and then he comes in, tells a joke and voila!! he s the man (or boy, rather) of the moment!!!

But the strange part about this whole thing is that it just increases my love for him n makes me admire him for what he is! And that is when I realized what families really are. They are bundles of love and joy! Sure.. we all have our rough moments.. We fight, we yell, we shout.. But in the end, we also make up for it love each other like nothing went wrong! And that my friends, is the eternal power of love..

So I m ending this post here, by dedicating it to the best brother in the world! Without him, my world will not be the same. He did come to share the love and care that my parents showered me with! but by some incredible magic, he has managed to double it! Love you brother for all that you are to me and to our family :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Order in Chaos

Blogging has been in my mind for a long time now :) I have been thinking of the right topic to start blogging, for the past i-don't-know-how-many days! And finally, on this bright and glorious day (or rather evening), here I am, blabbering away to glory :)

I was travelling by the bus today, and luckily enough, the rare event of enjoying the slight breeze by the window seat happened to me :) (It is hard enough to get a window seat, and lucky me, the breeze was mild and cool too :D ) And this time-out with my thoughts got me wondering. I will share with you, some of the rather weird doubts that arose in mind today! I am not going to try and answer them! This is just a wonder-out-loud session :)

Lets start with the bigger picture :) Who decided that the world should be round?? There are a lot many scientific explanations to why it has happened this way, and why it is good that it has happened this way. But who decided that it should be round? Who thought of this concept and found round to be the perfect shape? Is there a divine intervention in the organisation of the universe? Or maybe its just one of the numerous miracles of science (Maybe the divine intervention is the scientific miracle :))...

Zooming in to the micro-details, what force decided that all the living beings should have 2 eyes, 2 ears, a nose with 2 nostrils, but only one mouth?? Why don't we have two mouths, one to talk to people on our left and one more to talk to people on our right? Or why isn't one eye sufficient to view both sides????

Again, who decided that the eyes should be on top, the nose below the eyes and the mouth below the nose?? What if our face had some other arrangement?? (Gross to imagine, but if it had been this way from the start, we would be used to it by now..)

I l conclude with a very simple thought that occurred to me... The five basic Elements of nature, namely, Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Space, form the basis of our survival. And for the immeasurable love and care that Mother Nature has shown towards her child, oodles of gratitude is in order :)

Nature presents to us, the wonderful concept of order in chaos! It is something to learn from and live by. Let us appreciate and respect the miracle that the Cosmos is! Let us Learn to Live!